Saturday, April 11, 2009

Race Report: Success and Significance

I write this much overdue race report on the night before Easter.  My thoughts this week have been focused on Jesus and the price He paid for us all.  It's easy to look at those who persecuted Him as the bad guys, but the fact remains his disciples with Him the night before He was crucified deserted Him and fled.  (Mark 15:50).  The disciples couldn't have been in a more eternally secure place than with Jesus, but they fled.  Where do I fit in - as a persecutor, a fleeing disciple, or somewhere in between?  It really doesn't matter, I'm with everyone else, I'm on the side that needs grace, mercy, and forgiveness.  

What am I worth?  What are you worth?  As human, it is so easy to walk around mired in this sinful world, feeling guilty about being part of humanity that crucified Jesus.  Thankfully, God doesn't look at any of us that way.  Here is what we are worth in His eyes:  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish
 but have eternal life."   That is what we are worth to Him.  Jesus paid it all.  He overcame death, sin, and Satan for you and me.  He bore the weight of all sin for all time and suffered to a degree we will ever know when he spoke, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"  (Mark 15:34).  Praise to our Father in Heaven.  

The war is over now.  The battle is won.  I can't help but think of John 16:4, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  

Race Report

I hope I dropped a small pebble in the pool of God's kingdom.  I saw many ripple effects and I hope they extend out farther than I can see.  I sought God in all aspects of the triathlon and He blessed me in many ways:  

-Over $12,000 raised for Daniel and Magen Davis for missionary work in France.  
-The chance to declare on TV, newspaper, and church that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.  
-Being part of an event where I felt like I was along for the ride.  The support by so many that came to watch is incredible.  Everybody left that night with smiles on their face.  
-An email from a college student informing me that my story had inspired him to seek an advanced degree and to approach it in a way to glorify God.  
-A strengthening of friendships.   


Swim:  1:06.47  
Transition 1:  About 45 minutes (Spent time doing a tv interview before biking)
Bike:  About 8 hours
Transition 2:  About 30 minutes (Talked a little too much!)
Run:  5:15

Total:  15:45  

Swim Details:  

The swim went just as I expected.  I tried to treat it as a warmup and not expend much energy.  Mission accomplished.  

The temperature was 32 when I started.  I dressed appropriately and was never cold.  Unfortunately, the bike did not go at all as I had hoped.  I wanted to ride comfortably and "smell the roses" along the way, but from mile 15 through 85 I was miserable.  I believe I was under spiritual attack and before you think I've lost my marbles, remember that I am one who chooses to believe everything in the Bible and I do believe that Satan tries to destroy just before blessings or good things occur.  I had the most negative thoughts you can imagine and I was only three hours or so into the triathlon.  I've never had a feeling like this, but I prayed and prayed.  At about mile 85, my spirits lifted and the last 20 miles or so of the bike were the best I had all day.  


Thanks to all my friends (Matt, Tyler, Chief, Ken, Randy, Chad, James, and others) who ran parts of the marathon with me.  It felt good to start the run.  My first goal was to put in a solid hour somewhere around a 10 minute per mile pace.  Mission accomplished.  I tried to do the same for a second hour.  Mission accomplished.  I tried for a third solid hour.  Mission accomplished.  By this point I was getting pretty tired.  I was running seven or eight minutes and walking one minute.  During the fourth and fifth hours, I just focused on running to the next walk break.  I was able to do this and finished really strong.  

Final Thoughts:  
I thank God for the body, mind, and dedication to be able to complete a really tough test of endurance.  I tried to do it in a God honoring way for His glory.  Thanks to all of you who encouraged me, cheered me on, or complemented me afterwards.  All the glory is for God.  
I am going to try and get a short video posted soon that encapsulates the whole day in pictures.  

Peace to you,


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